Departament of Bajaverapaz (2):

City of San Jerónimo

The river of Chixoy

All the Valley of Bajaverapaz
Departament of Chimaltenango (3):

Chimaltenango Valley

Plateau of Chimaltenango


One of the best restaurants on Chimaltenango, it's called "Katok"
Iximché ruins:

Esquipulas' Church

Nature Of Chiquimula

Crafts, made by Chiquimulan people called "Chortí"

The Black Christ of Chiquimula


Departament of Petén (5):
Flores Island
Mayan Cities
Acrópolis with Temple # 1 (Gran Jaguar)
Temples # 1 (Gran Jaguar), # 2 and # 4 from the top
Temple # 1 (Gran Jaguar)
Temple # 2
Temple # 3
Temple # 4

Guastatoya's Soccer Stadium
Departament of El Quiché (7):
Lamoa's Lagoon
Zacualpa's Church
Chichicastenango City:
Gucumatz's Arc
Chichicastenango's Marquet
Departament of Escuintla (8):
Departament of Guatemala (9):
This is the National Palace
This is the Metrapolitan Cathedral

This is the beautiful lake of Amatitlán, is locataed next to Guatemala City
Departament of Huehuetenango (10):
Departament of Izabal (11):
Departament of Jalapa (12):
Departament of Jutiapa (13):
Departament of Quetzaltenango (14):
Departament of Retalhuleu (15):
Departament of Sacatepéquez (16):
Departament of San Marcos (17):
Departament of Santa Rosa (18):
Departament of Sololá (19):
Departament of Suchitepéquez (20):
Departament of Totonicapán (21):
Departament of Zacapa (22):
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